Monday, July 11, 2011

My Master

2006 Scary.

2011 winter

2011 summer


  1. LOL, I thought the Master Bedroom 2006 was the "Re-do"! I like it! What's scary about it? I like the bedroom as you have it now. That brown looked DEPRESSING! I have decided that I am totally moving away from brown and tans. It's bland. In fact, I'm thinking of repainting my foyer, which I did a tan color. ICK. Kwabena suggested we paint it a light green. I'm considering it! Here's what it looks like:

    I've decided I'm going to stick with white furniture and pastel-y type walls :) Think "Martha Stuart." Just makes me happy!!!

  2. I LOVE the color of your foyer! I still love the tans on walls but everything else light and bright. Esp in this depressing NW weather!
